Doc, dont feel like the lone ranger! I am a burnt piece if toast myself. About 450 days with out a day off (except Sunday some times). I work all night on orders, bids, takeoffs and book keeping till the wee hours of the morning. With six employees spread out over 15 jobs in three counties.

Often I ask myself why even get out of bed. To make the supply house richer... To make my insurance agent richer... To make the IRS richer. I don't know the answer really. I guess it's just what I do.

I'm 34, married, no kids, college graduate. I get to spend very little time with my wife and get to see my parents about twice a year.

The only thing I can say is that I have the power to harness electrons and make them work in a safe fashion. It's what I do.

Take a break and I'll take one too. We have to look around to get a grasp of where we really are in life. Look at it from a different angle and it might not look too bad.

Good Luck.