Watts Up, Doc?

(Some of what I have written here is directed at myself as well.)

May I suggest you contact your physician and get a full checkup--blood levels also.

"bobc" mentioned "as men our work is our pride when we lose interest it affects us."

Don't be too proud to talk this over with your physician. This sure sounds like depression. That can definitely affect your whole being--family life, social life, work, etc.

Wattever you decide, Doc, you're a young fellow and aside from the "working years" ahead, you have plenty of years ahead.

Sometimes one can not see the light at the end of the tunnel because they haven't gone around the curve yet...then it's right there, much closer than they ever would have imagined.

(Hey, you're a master electrician--rig up your own light!!)

Doc, take it easy, take it slow, but just take it--one day at a time.