Amazing the hatred Ms. Rand inspires in some, and the desire to attack the messenger, rather than the message. I'm a bit thrown off by the fancy words in a couple posts; "Atlas Shrugged" is reserved for those of us limited to plain, literate English.

Another irony- one that has to be experienced to be appreciated- is the contrast between Reno, and my current area, near the Missouri bootheel.

At first the two cannot be more different: an involved permit process with multiple fees, vs. a near absence of permitting and inspections.

This may be heresy, but I fail to find any substantial difference in the quality or safety of the work I've seen, comparing the two areas.

Of course, the current situation -where the Reno area has essentially closed down their building departments, and filled the functions with park department personnel- helps to confirm that the REAL reasons for codes lie in control and revenue, rather than a concern for safety.

Contrast the assumptions of many in the inspection trade to the attitude voiced here by many, both within government and without: it's absolutely improper for government to think it has any right to tell a man what he can do with HIS property.

Now, Sparky, if I understand your post, that makes Arkansas something of a utopia. I'm pretty sure you're the first to say that! laugh

Last edited by renosteinke; 07/23/11 08:24 PM.