IF the work is in progress, a Stop Work' placard is posted at the site, and the 'workers are told to vacate. A Stop Work document, along with a Notice of Violation, and Board of Appeals form are prepared and either mailed (Cert & Reg), or sometimes hand delivered to the offender/owner. Usual $$ is $2000 which may be negotiated down for an acceptable reason.

Continuing to proceed with work under a Stop can result in $2k per day, and it may be enacted for each trade.

These are state forms and procedures.

A more serious situation for Licensed ECs, Plumbers, is notification of the State Boards. They levy fines of $10k, suspensions, for repeat offenders.
They also have a payment plan of regular installments.

The trunk slammers that are long gone, or hiding, IF they get snagged, face a local fine, and are handed over to the Board (State) for that trade.
