I can usually identify posters by their spelling or grammar without looking at the name. Mark [E57] usually writes thier, or recepticle. Mike [Trumpy] practically always double-punctuates a question or exclamation mark with a full stop or comma, [!. or ?,], and likes to use new lines a lot, like;

This is all part of how we try to write at speed to keep up with the flow of thought. It's of no importance at all if it's comprehensible. Me? I try to use American spellings as far as possible, so as to not grate on the majority of readers, and I have a habit of using 2 full stops after abreviations, like etc.., one for the abreviation, and one to end the sentence. Just part of being brainwashed at school, [ getting caned for getting it the slightest bit wrong ], I guess, just like Pavlov's dogs!

Wood work but can't!