BrianSparky: you mentioned that wearing a pouch caused your left leg/back to go numb.
What is happening is the weight of your pouch pinches your sciatic nerve which causes the numbness. This started happening to me 15 years ago, now I carry fewer tools, experiment with tiny, slip in your pocket pouches. The grand experiment was the purchase of an Ideal square, sit-on-the-floor pouch. This enables me to carry far too many tools, is hard to dig many items out of, yet allows the secure support of a bottle of my favorite beer when I'm working for friends on the weekend or wiring up some rock & roll event.
Mac, what other posts above did not make clear about the PCB issue: Insulating oil, a familiar name was Askarel, as used in transformers and capacitors, MV switches, etc. This oil contains PCB's,a compound produced in the mfg. of the oil, which will getcha, over time. The most famous horror story involving PCB's is entitled Times Beach, Missouri. A dusty little town West of St. Louis, where an enterprising individual sprayed the dirt roads with used oil he was hauling off from Union Electric facilities in the city. For years. The oil contaminated the groundwater and all the soil close to the streets and the toxin levels were so bad that the EPA bought the town, fenced it in, removed any signage on I-44 directing one to the place. I accidentally found the place one day, thought, Wow! what's with all the chain link and ugly signs???