So what I'm seeing here is we think the inspector is correct? Under 230.72.

Hrm... I'm not seeing it as a grouping of disconnects. I really don't see anything in 230.72 that would make this install not in compliance with code.

Besides the disconnect for the garage panel. This is the exact same way a service is ran in 95% of homes. Your telling me, because I add a disconnect.... now I have to add another disconnect because... ? Theres an ID problem? (I can understand clearly ID'ing the garage disconnect, that's code.. ) I could take my 11 yr old son there and he could see that the meter is supplying the building its mounted on. When you want to disconnect the house, I would say disconnect it the exact same way you disconnect the 95% of all other homes the meter or inside panel.

Seems strange to me, If anyone could post the exact article number this violates I would really appreciate it.

I'm wrong all the time. I just like to know how I'm wrong. I use these 320 double lug cans fairly often, I have never ran across this problem and I need to know. The extra cost on this is atleast $200 + addition labor for seperating nuetrals & grounds. I can't waste time and money for something that isn't needed, I may do this same install 300 more times in my life.

Last edited by Trick440; 11/23/07 12:24 PM.

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