
I'd like to give a little more in the way of explanation here. As I see it there are a plethora of DIY websites out there that cater to the novice, I have mixed feelings about that, and cannot truly recommend them (or any website forum) as a place for the inexperienced to get information on potentially dangerous things, but I would like to keep this a place where people involved with the Trade or Theory, etc. etc. can interact with each other and thereby benefit.

Some DIY questions may be tolerated by most anyone here and fielded in the appropriate manner, but a BIG problem is that one begats another and another until it is like DIY Central here. Many of the people seriously involved in the Trade and/or are able to best help us will get tired of answering (or very leery about answering) and seeing these types of questions and just leave. It is my personal goal to not let that happen.

