Let's apply some common sense here folks.
Do we install a disconnecting means at a front yard pole light? Do parking lots have disconnects on their individual light poles?

The critical point here is were the state public utility regulatory authority has set as the demarcation point. Regardless of who supplied or installed the metering equipment it is not subject to the NEC unless it is on the customer side of the demarcation point. The State regulatory agency is the only organization that can set the break between the NESC and the NEC. In the vast majority of overhead services the State will identify the splices between the drop and the Service Entry Conductors as the demarcation point. There is quite a bit of variation on were the demarcation point for underground services will be but it is consistently on the customers premise. In general no utility company wants the customer or their agents to be doing work on their poles.

The only property I know of were there is a requirement for a switch at a pole were a meter is located is the requirement in 547.9 Electrical Supply to Building or Structures from a Distribution Point. The definition of Distribution Point is found only in the agricultural buildings chapter. If there was in fact a generalized requirement for a disconnect at poles thy correlating committee of the standard would have required that the language be in the sections covering services or outside feeders and branch circuits.
Tom H

Tom Horne

"This alternating current stuff is just a fad. It is much too dangerous for general use" Thomas Alva Edison