Sparky, I'd like to explain something not always understood, and so far not answered:

A transformer (or any power source) with a current capacity of, say, 10 amps does not force 10 amps through the load no matter what.

The voltage and the load's impedance control the possible current, to the limit iof the source. Ohm's Law comes into play: 1 volt can push 1 amp thru 1 ohm.

E = I x R, I = E/R, and R = E/I

Just like an ausio amplifier capable of, say, 100 watts, does not automatically damage speakers with a lesser rating; you have to over-drive them with voltage.

Thus, a 12v source with 10 amps capacity will flow the same current through 12 ohms as will a 12v source with 1 amp capacity: 1 amp.

Larry Fine
Fine Electric Co.