I remember in occasion in school when the teacher hooked up one of the girls to a 100kV source so that her hair stood out...


I saw a couple of those shows (when I was in the Philippines) where they sent "1,000,000 volts" through a guy who was standing on top of the device holding a 2x4 in his hands with a piece of tin foil. When they turned it on, the 2x4 burst into flames.

Sounds like a Van De Graaff (sp???) Generator.

This device creates high potential Static Charges, which may easily exceed 100K Volts between Charged body and opposite potential (typically Earth).

Does anybody know if that was AC or DC?

If done with a Van De Graaff Genny, then it's neither AC or DC - only Static.
If done with a Tesla coil, or similar plasma tossing Induction Animal, then this would be AC.

There were lightning bolts 6 feet long cracking off the device in all directions.

This sounds more like a Tesla coil, but a Van De Graaff Genny could do the same, especially if the air was dusty.

Can somebody explain what happened there? How does the 2x4 burn and the person doesn't?

It's a trick!

Plasmas from a Tesla coil will flow around and sometimes through wood, but rarely would this only cause the wood to burn and not ignite or shokken ze sh*@zenhouzen out of the person holding the wood!

Static charge transfers would unlikely carry enough energy to ignite wood alone, but if the wood was soaked with a highly flammable material - such as Gasoline - a few sparks will get the flames going!

Man, I would hate to have that guy's job! [Linked Image] [Linked Image]


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!