I suppose the first thing I want to say is .... I HATE scripts. period. I think the only thing worse are the automated call directing canned "push #7 to hear if we really care" voice-mail mazes.

I want the phone answered by a person. I want the persons' greeting to be SHORT and clear. I want that person to know exactly where the call needs to go.

Then I want the call answered, promptly, by a real person. I do NOT want to endure 23 minutes of awful music, interrupted by 'your call is important' BS. Nor do I want to answer a dozen questions before getting to the point of "why are you calling us?"

Finally, I want the undivided attention of whomever I'm speaking with. I don't want that persons' attention diverted by other tasks, co-workers, etc. I don't want that person to be watching the clock, worried about their "mean time" statistics. I want that person to actually have some connection with the company ... not be in a call center in Outer Mongolia. And, damn it, I want them to speak ENGLISH. Preferably like Alistair Cooke; failing that, without any accent that you can cut with a knife.

There is no magic software that will cover for sloppy or arrogant business practices.