HI to pwood,
I don't know why I put down ICC, you're right CA is on the 2001CBC ('97UBC)

Hi Scott35
Where are you quoting from? I don't disagree with the measurement, but my book (2001 CEC) has it a little different.
".....the center of the grip of the operating handle of controls or switches intended to be used....."
So putting the switch box at 48" AFF to top is always a safe bet. Beware on T-STATS as the controls may be on top, but it's rare.

The receptacles height as stated in the CEC has been the subject of some debate that I don't agree with. QUOTE:
"...the center of receptacle outlets on branch circuits 30 amperes or less shall be installed not more than 48 inches nor less than 15 inches above the floor or working platform."

The debate was about the center measurement. If you were to measure to the center screw of a duplex then you would have the bottom receptacle outlet of a duplex below 15 inches.
My take on this was always that construction measurements are always to center unless otherwise noted, so the measurement in the CEC should be to center of a duplex.
I was directed to enforce the 15 inch to the center of the bottom receptacle of a duplex "rule" until I was able to convince powers that be otherwise.

Hi E57
Beware on the side reach rule, as it only applies to multifamily.

Larry LeVoir
City of Irvine, CA