Rodger - Thank You

quote"How (or) does CA. work with the ADA, ICC, or ANSI to come up with their handicap codes?
I personaly think the forward reach covers the worst case scenario."

California had disabled access provisions before ADA was enacted. Much of ADA ( I am told) was based on what CA was already doing. We have been told we do not enforce ADA, because our reg's meet or exceed. Just like CAL/OSHA does. CA has it's own provisions as to bringing existing occupancies into compliance. Aytime a TI (teneat improvement) permit is apllied for the plans must address upgrade of bathrooms and path of travel outside to parking lot. Nothing is done to upgrade existing electrical unless it is in the bathrooms or a complicated formula is satisfied to bring the rest of the building into compliance. ALL new electrical has to be at the current min/max heights even if the existing doesn't match.
The ICC is amended by the state into the Californis Building Code and disabled access provisions are amended to concur with state reg's. The electrical portion is pretty minor compared to the problems the building inspectors run into in providing equal access to eating and dining establishments.

I don't have any info on how we relate to ANSI.

Larry LeVoir
City of Irvine, CA