I don't think that there is a need to get rid of a thread like this.
As long as it stays away from the political side of things, talk on.
Any idea what size/voltage Sub-station it was?.
These things aren't as a rule easy to get into.
However, I will say this:
The other night at a Guy Fawkes party (Saturday night) upon being called out to extinguish a fire caused by Fireworks, we were set upon by a bunch of drunken youths, none of which looked like they had even shaved, yet they got alcohol.
I had my bunker coat ripped by a flying broken beer bottle.
They are now complaining to the Police because one of our Senior Fire-Fighters turned a High Pressure Delivery on them to get them away from the Appliance.
Fortunately, it fell on deaf ears.
Like the Police in France, we are only there to do a job, if you want to start injuring us, we can only act in self-defence.
I don't want to sound silly here, but, if you hurt me or my crew, you'd better be able to run pretty damn fast!!. [Linked Image]
Oddly enough, most of the people that were involved in that incident just went with the crowd, because of the alcohol.
Most of the media coverage in France is from the protesters point of view, why does no-one take the views of the Police that have to try and control this melee'(sp} or the Fire-fighters that have had to extinguish an endless number of cars and buildings that have been torched by this immature crowd.
The idea of Police being shot by civilians, makes the need for the Army to be bought in.
Anarchy in these times is just not good.

{Message edited for typo's}

[This message has been edited by Trumpy (edited 11-09-2005).]