I did not see any comments about the number of cable running through 1 connector. Is this common practice? I had a guy here from Arizona that took a short piece of 2" pvc from the top of the panel up to the joist space and just ran all the home runs in a bundle into the panel. It is required here to install a connector for each cable entering the panel. but typically yyou can put two 2 wire cables through 1 Loomex connector 4040. or one 3 wire and one 2 wire.
Dryer and range cable would be alone in their connectors. A bug bundle of cables into a panel will not be secure and any stress on the cable would transfer to the terminals. I have seen several examples of this from photos posted from the US but very little or any comment on the practice. Is it code compliant in the NEC? I don't think it should be if it is.