Yes Box Store is higher prices then local supply house. As our accountant was trying to tell us, our rate needs to increase to meet expenses, he used the same format that Pat posted,
On material he said we paid an average of 40% more for all our material at the Box store, he had all the receipts, from both Box, and local supply houses.

We mark-up Fixtures 30%, High ticket items 10 to 20% and switches outlets boxes, fittings 50 to 100% and these figures may be on the low side, as noted in other posts stocking material costs money, pick up the item, sort it, every time you move it, inv. the item, and pay the inv tax on it, add a small profit to it, it all adds up.

My last invoice for truck repairs, Spark plug $6.10 ea.
Hmmm, I guess i will bring my own spark plugs the next time. Think he will do the job?

[This message has been edited by LK (edited 08-28-2004).]