Hmm, my remark about 17.5% sales tax very nearly has started another revolution!

Kent, I knew your VAT was up around 20 to 25%. I think it's called MOM in Sweden - Is that right?

Even over in Ireland the standard rate is 20%, but at least they have a reduced 12.5% rate which applies to a lot of big things, like house repairs. They also have quite a few other tax breaks, and even though their gasoline is still expensive by American standards, it's considerably cheaper than here. The only VAT/sales tax concession we have is domestic fuel (electricity included) which is only taxed at 5% at the moment.

The Scandinavian countries used to be much more expensive than England for gas, but we've caught up with them. Converted to American, regular unleaded works out about $4.50 per gallon at the moment. During the fuel crisis earlier in the year it hit $5 - Yep, FIVE DOLLARS A GALLON.

By the way, although our National Health Service is "free" in as much as you won't be sent a bill, it still has to be paid for, and on top of income tax there's a "National Insurance" contribution for the NHS and other social security benefits.

And while $30 an hour sounds great, you have to figure in the taxes & your living expenses, which I understand are very high in Holland.

Most everyday items here in England, from food, to clothes, to tools, (not to mention houses) are more expensive than in America.
I know public transport is good in many European countries (it certainly is in France), but it's become a joke in the U.K. Expensive,unreiable, and in most rural areas just plain non-existent.

Oh well.. Aplogies for my off-topic rambling.