I will tell you that in ARKANSAS and MOST states if you MAKE over $25K in a year THE LABOR DEPT WILL NOT HELP YOU COLLECT MONEY OWED BY AN EMPLOYER!

Documentation is part of the job just like safety...the emplyer needs to find people that can do the work.

Just fire the guy after a time or two and move on! There are plenty of concientous electricians out there that would probably do the job.

I say if the employee fails to perform why lay him off for a day or two, then if his performance doesnt improve terminate the person for failure to perform. When I worked nuclear jobs, the policy was that if you left a tool out overnite and you did not follow plant policy..you got an unscheduled vacation..1,2 or 3 days. Then if it happened again..BYE BYE.

The employer\employee relationship is a give and take relationship.

As far as witholding pay and charging for mistakes that is pretty comical!

Just my two cents!



[This message has been edited by mustangelectric (edited 12-08-2004).]