For the first time, last winter I had a helper / trainee. What a learning expereince!

First of all, it is quite a challenge to organize the work for two people- the helper doesn't like standing around any more than you like seeing him standing around!

There might be some issues regarding what is expected in terms of starting time, etc. The new guy truly may have just fallen off the turnip truck, and not understand that "start time" is the time you start work- not the time you pull into the parking lot! Here it is especially important to lead by example.

Some things that are obvious to you may be completely foreign to him. You'll probably have to explain some simple things several times; quite often, it was my explanation that was lacking- not the helpers' willingness to learn!

Try also to remember what it was like for you....replacing a pair of pliers might be a PITA for you; but it can be a major money issue for the new guy.

I tried to show my helper what the overall plan was, rather than just saying "do this." I wanted him to see how it all fit together. I also let him have a taste of enough of the things I was doing, so he could see that I wasn't just letting him do all the hard stuff!

Finally, there is the matter of responsibility. If the guy messes up, it is still your responsibility. Sure, you can be mad at him, and have him fix it- but he is not there for you to blame every error on. You can delegate the task- but not the responsibility.

Prepare to have your heart broken. I'd like to say that my helper is becoming a fine sparky- but, unfortunately, his after-work activities have put him in prison for the next 3 to 9 years!