I try to find out WHAT any apprentice knows up front.... their knowledge of tools mechanical abilities, you need to know how well they listen
Ask about their hobbies,...or families.
Take them everywhere you go, explain the scope of the job,not just a small task.

Don't complain about a job "rules"

Show them the
"proper" way to do anything, tool safety, ladder safety, job safety ,personal safety, teach by example (resist trying to show-off how fast or quickly YOU can do something) ..you can show them your way later!
make them responsible for something, ....keeping the tools in the gang boxes organized ....making sure the chargers are all back at the end if the day..sweeping up the break area.

You will need to think before you speak, if they screw something up you tasked them with, you must be sure you were clear with your instructions ! You should accept the fact that some things will not be to your liking. Did you check on their progress or did you wait until they were done?

be a teacher, not a pal..that will come later,
