When I redid Grandma's service (see pics here
https://www.electrical-contractor.net/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000444.html I was originally going to install a gutter to terminate the NM into, then use 3/4" EMT nipples to the new CB Panel with THHN inbetween. Luckily there was enough line to play with where I didn't wind up "extending" every run w/wirenuts, and was able to install the new panel in a good spot.
The only possible violation I can see (other than the flier, and
possible 12AWG extensions of 14AWG NM conductors - L side of panel) is multiple NM's per connector at the top of the panel box (3rd from right side)...
Agree it
is ugly
[This message has been edited by DougW (edited 03-31-2004).]