Was this the 4-4" on the side of a supermarket? 'Cause of that one ever figured out?

Also to be fair, I have seen some bad demo accidents where they send in gorillas to demo a building and go too far too fast.

Diamond blade through encased conduit, wall supporting panels removed leaving panels in mid-air until they gave under thier own wieght. And a feeder with a 3/8 drill through it, and the MOCP failed to trip. I have also had one go off right in my hand. I was closing a cover and a kearny broke loose and popped through the tape against the cover I was holding in my hand. A little pinch against the split side of a split bolt through the tape blew a 2" hole in the cover. Went off like a grenade! Accually lucky to see this screen right now. But I can appreciate the hazards, but the risk is low, as in rare, for a fault to happen on its own, all by itself. Outside of over-load/fault by circuit use and failure of MCOP, in which it would happen anyway for simular results, inside, or outside.

[This message has been edited by e57 (edited 04-30-2006).]

Mark Heller
"Well - I oughta....." -Jackie Gleason