The sad part is that this "laborer" was taught by an "electrician" how to install romex the least expensive way. We call 'em "tennis shoe runners" here up north. They usually exist just outside of city limits where the "developers" got a good deal on some land knowing that they could make a considerable profit because of the lack of "AHJ" of any expertise. There is a $10 per hour wage difference between residential electricians and commercial ones here within city limits. Imagine the pay scale of the "laborers" that installed this mess.
Wonder how many cut themselves with the utility knives! How many drilled holes big enough for several romex wires and at the same time weakened the structure. How many light boxes were installed instead of fan boxes. How many switches will be crushed into those overfilled boxes.

I know there are times that we electricians complain that we see no logic in some code requirements but, I would rather have that annoyance than have "laborers" claiming to be electricians.


[This message has been edited by WebSparky (edited 03-16-2003).]
