as i have stated numerous times, none of this is my ideas. I haven't had an original thought in years.

first off, i don't blame 'contractors' i simply point out that some guys just want a job without a boss without understanding the ramifications on the industry.

I do however, take offense, and place blame on guys who publically, and incorrectly I might add, call a good segment of his fellow 'contractors' thieves. Especially in a market that he doesn't cater to and regarding a system that he doesn't understand.

Back to my credentials, I don't need them for this. These are not my ideas. I'm simply relaying them.

But folks like Frank Blau, Ellen Rohr, Maurice Maio, Randall Hilton, Tom Warner, Charlie Greer, Matt Smith, et al is where I learned all this.

I'm simply regurgetating (sp?) tried and true ideas that have been in use for years.

And actually, i wasn't blaming the media. They are in business to get ratings. Plus, I'm not against exposing crooked contractors, I'm just for showing the good as well. These shows don't. Not good ratings.

Redsy, Dnk. Good luck. Mono and Kiwi have you in their local market to deal with. I don't.

[This message has been edited by mahlere (edited 05-02-2006).]

[This message has been edited by mahlere (edited 05-02-2006).]