Currently, 100% Commercial projects [mostly Banks and their related things].

In past, breakdown is something like 70% Commercial, 29.9% Industrial [light to moderate], and 0.999% Residential [slight exaggeration].

Current tasks include Installs of Power, Data/Comm, Security, CCTV and EMC systems - along with Systems design / Engineering, support and consultations.
And as usual, the normal red tape of running projects [double DOH!!! and 4x [Linked Image]]

Scott S.E.T.

P.S. My current endeavors take me to the Central / North Valley of California - AKA the Tule Fog zones!
Been bouncing between home [Anaheim] and Modesto / Fresno for a week at a time [which is why there's a big decline in my posts!]

Fresno peaked at a whopping 32f around 2:00 PM. Luckilly we arrive after the Tule Fog and leave after it. There was a major crash this week on Hwy 99 dur to the fog.

Pardon the story [and the spel-ling].

Scott S.E.T.

Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!