I would like to know how the MASTER would install the phone, CATV, multi-room sound and high speed internet in every room.

I certainly hope sound has nothing to do with what we are ranting about here.

Data, voice and CATV I do the same as I would any commercial job only on a smaller scale. Why should it be any different?

... it makes for easy troubleshooting. And they are very simple to add onto.

Easy troubleshooting sure, if you have replacement parts on the truck should something go bad. Problem is you think that you are the only one who is ever going to handle this. Chances are the cable guy is going to tear it up putting his own stuff in and the TELCO guy is just going to walk away because he won't want to touch it.

As far as add-on's, sure again as long as you only have to make it bigger and the parts are available. What happens when I come along and need all the voice home runs run to the key system I'm going to install instead of the block inside that thing that bridges them all together?

Maybe if some one does not know how they all work together, they might not like them.

That's exactly the point. I don't want them to work together. I want data, voice, CATV and/or satellite separate in their own areas with enough room so they can be changed, configured or added to by the different crafts without bothering anything else. I also want standard components that anybody would have and know how to use.
