We multi wire anythig we can. I call it networking though. We never had a complaint or problem. We allways tape them together in the panel and some boxes depending on whats going on. Some panels we put the stick on numbers on the nutrals with the corisponding breaker. Other times we put the nutral near the corisponding breaker or in order. We put the networked breakers next to each other. On our homes the 1st network is always black, red, white. Then we save blue & gray for the other.

Ortganisation is the key. Some inspectors here require grooping the networks together in all boxes. I do hate going into a old panel with a pipe packed with wires going to breakers all over and nothing is marked.

I like the warning. I should put it on the panel schedules I print out.

I would add something to it like "The system utilizes shared nutral conductors TO PROVIDE BETTER ELECTRICAL EFFICIENTY." Something to make it sound more positive. Otherwise to a homeowner it might make them think you cut corners and something is not as safe as it could be.

Or maybe "Your electrical system has been ballanced to provide you with the best service. To keep the system ballanced only have a qualified person make chanegs inside service panel or branch wiering. Failure to follow this could result in overloading and a fire hazard."
