Thanks for all of the great replies to my post. I am baffled at why there is not much residential work to be had. Most folks hear the price and they decide to shop around for a deal $100 less. I would settle for wiring houses if I could find them.

I have wanted to get into small industrial types of jobs. I have the tools and experience. I would like to do expansion or retrofits on a small scale. Lighting, power, controls, automation, security, motors, transformers, basic equipment you would find in any plant.

It seems to me that a guy should be able to locate a few jobs like that. I am wondering how to find work like this? I hate spam and just feel like that if you do direct mail it would not be effective.

Do most contractors bid on jobs from the job reports? I also think there should be a general contractor out there who would like to get a cut of the electrical portion of the project and be interested in joint ventures.

I am going to look into my local building association and see if I can get any leads from there.

Thanks for the advice.

