The thread that will not die???
OK, on the subject of the radio tower

No that was not the tower I took the picture of the guy being cabled down on, BTW, that one was about 1/8 mile outside of my office door. I check towers on a regular basis to look for capacitive coupling problems with the guy wires.

It's an animal with a life of it's own I tells ya!!!!!!!!!

Everybody have a good labor day, we ALL deserve it. I've always said, for gummint sponsored holidays, only 2 are worth a danged,

Labor day for all the folks that did, have, and will keep building this country.

Veterans day for all the folks that gave it all to keep it this way.

I look real close to those politicians who want to use labor as slaves, and vets as chumps - I like to remind 'em about it in November.