In my leap back toward historic times I thought about 'the cure' of this condition and concluded that it would only be erradicated if all work was done to code, meticulously performed in logical sequence and spaces with ample room, lighting and a thought to future needs, etc. It made me think of the Enterprise and its successors... you know, Cap'n Kirk's ship on Star Trek and on to Jean Luc Picard, et al. Isn't all of that about the future of a superior class of folk that never would try to pass of slipshod work? I imagine though that if you went looking, you'd find some southern engineering there, too.

What I've noticed about handiwork, whether a genteel craft like cross-stitch or in a telco closet serving several floors with 1A2 key or more advanced technology like ISDN, DSL and the like, that the design and its finished product bear the mark of the person who's hands performed the the work and some are unmistakably loaded with character (if nothing else). Though the safety factors shouldn't be neglected, it would be dull without having those elements of indivduality.