Years back I was looking to add 1 more man. I called the County VoTech for any applicants that were avail. #1, dressed for an exec. VP job (no problem) wanted an 'office position'. Bye.
#2, a no show (found out he had an abuse issue). #3 was on time, neat hair, goatee; and tatts on his upper arms. Don't judge a book by the cover!

#3 turned out to be a great addition. On time, minimal absense, great work ethic, personality & performance.

We did comm/ind and IF there was any 'public' contact a suitable sleeved shirt was worn (his choice). I never heard any comments/complaints from clients.

PS: We did very little resi & the calls he did go on, he was very well liked by all.

BTW, I have a close cropped beard for 40+ years, and it may be going soon.
