Albert, I will go out there and look at those "insulators" tomorrow. That would make sense if that is what they are doing. I thought it was strange. I still think this is a relic from when there were only 5 houses in 2 blocks but I agree they may have split it up. If I see my FPL neighbor I will ask him. This is also his "beat"

For sure the top strand of the 3 is the neutral. I have a picture where it starts and there is only the neutral.

This whole cludge has fascinated me since I first noticed it and I just had an excuse to look closer at it.

The original question referred to what current should be on the pole ground rod and how much gets reflected back on the drop to the house. More gee whiz info. The pole grounds are cruising at about a half an amp down at my end of the street until you get up near the feed 2000' away, one is 1.8 and the first pole with a transformer has almost 3a.
more gee whiz info
With my service disconnect open I have about the same as the pole out front, on my service neutral at the service point, a bit less than half an amp so it is coming from the FPL side, not my house. The pole stayed the same with my SD on or off.

Greg Fretwell