We always put the receptacles sideways because that's the way I was first shown and that's the way everyone else in the area is doing it. Same as Larry, hot on top. Just like you never turn your back on a wild animal, you always keep the most dangerous part in full view (of course we are supposed to working on this stuff dead).

Folklore is that the Chicago Fire has to do with the strict requirements on EMT. I think it has more to do with union influence in that it will guarantee more labor. I don't mind it though. When we did McMansion custom homes, we piped and pulled a 3500-4500 ft house 3 guys 5-7 days. and then another 2 days for trim. It makes it nice to do service and remodeling work in the area though, you usually have more options.

It used to bother me that HD sold NM and AC, but the do. I think out here in the suburbs they sell more of it to the handymen or lowballers doing unpermitted work.