Adding my two cents, I do think that a discussion about wire thefts, how to prevent them etc. is perfectly valid as a general issue here. What we don't want to do is end up going too far down the road of questioning why a certain person stole cables, whether it was purely his own fault, his parents' fault, society's fault, and so on. Obviously there's a fine and rather blurred dividing line, but cross over it too much and we could easily stray into areas which would best be avoided to keep everything nice and friendly.

Originally Posted by Theelectrikid
How about having
the recyclers and scrapyards only accepting wire from licensed contractors?

I should probably keep my trap shut but, I have to disagree with that.

I have to agree with Ian. While such a scheme may reduce the incentive to steal copper in the first place if the thief knows it will be harder to "fence," is it fair that perfectly innocent people would then be unable to carry out a perfectly lawful transaction? It seems to me that it would be unfairly penalizing the law-abiding citizen.