Originally Posted by ITO
The name of the forum is "General Discussion Area" complete with a joke thread, notice of national hot dog month, giving up smoking, and dirt bikes and other non-electrical related threads.

They are your forums run them how you want, but at least be consistent about it and lock or delete all the other off topic threads while you are at it.

ITO if you have been around a while what you should have noticed is we do go off topic quite a bit.

What we try not to do is talk about subjects that will cause bitterness between members.


Union or Merit shop




In my personal opinion talking about the social causes of wire theft will get us nowhere, we will not come up with a solution, we will not come up with an answer. What we will accomplish is lines being drawn between members.

This has always been a friendly forum where we can talk about hot dogs, BBQ and electrical without finding a need to go into the more controversial subjects.

You want to talk about how you secure your stuff on the job...fine go for it. smile

If you want to talk about the social causes of theft I think another forum is more suited to that.

This is just my opinion, it's Bill's site so it's really up to him. smile


Bob Badger
Construction & Maintenance Electrician