Fair enough. I'm trying to define certain tasks that electricians perform, like a typical residential kitchen remodel. I'm beginning to appreciate the fact that there is little typical about the typical remodel.

Trimming out is another matter, setting finish is the same no matter what kind of job it is. That can easily be pieced out. I love the idea of providing incentives.

When I was an apprentice I got a job cutting in smoke detectors in many large apartment complexes, I think I got $8 for each one, this is 30 years ago, man did I hustle! I made a ton of loot! I never forgot the power of providing incentives.

Finding good help these days is harder than ever, the baby boomers have all retired and people no longer advise their children to persue a career in construction. The smaller pool of talent is on one hand a good thing, fewer contractors persuing a growing market has meant much higher rates. I'm charging twice what I charged 2 years ago!

But the downside is foot dragging, lazy workers who feel they're entitled to a job, I hate carrying these guys. Piecework, if properly and thoughtfully implemented could solve many problems.

I'm still in the thought process however, this is a serious topic.