Hi Mike,

The North Island has a lot of hydro generation too, on the Waikato river I can't quote you exact MW but it will be around the 1000 MW mark, then Geothermal near Taupo ± 200 MW and then Gas or Coal fired like Huntly, Otahuhu, Westfield, New Plymouth, stratford Whirinaki etc.
and some windfarms ??
All peak load diesel stations are also clocking up a lot more hours at the moment.

Latest news is also that the 400 kV line from Whakamaru to Penrose will be delayed by the limpwristed electricity commision.
It will be a very interesting time to come.
Auckland hasn't had a cold spell yet. Averaging around 20°C for now.

Also good luck with your new Fire safety job mate.

The product of rotation, excitation and flux produces electricty.