"Why don't they contain a BS1362 fuse? I've never yet seen one that does including from reputable manufacturers like nokia, ericsson, sony etc.."

I think that the properly designed, (reputable) ones contain miniature non-replaceable overcurrent and thermal fuses, on the basis that if they fail they are just discarded. There would be no purpose served by providing an accessible fuse. I wouldn't dispute that there may be unsafe non-compliant ones around.

On the earlier topic of standards in Saudi, I can well believe that the prevailing system is that of the supplier nation.
I've never actually been there, but I was involved a few years ago in specifying a turn-key installation involving a building and lots of electronic gear.
We were permitted to supply all the specialised equipment at UK standards, and I was told that the building would have dual installations with UK supplies for "our" equipment, and some Saudi standard which I think was 127 volts 60Hz for domestic equipment. I recall that I couldn't understand the logic, (or economics) of having 50Hz and 60Hz supplies in the same place.

Anyway, It's now just four hours to 2004 here, so cheerio and a Happy new year to everyone.