Looks like we we're both typing away at the same time there, C-H. O.K., I'll climb on my soapbox now...... [Linked Image]

You've made an excellent point there about the well-established British color code. Most of us here simply do not see any need to change a well-established system which has served us well for decades. So our homes and buildings have different color wires to other European countries. Most people just respond with "So what?"

The same goes for enforced metric measurements. It has been perfectly legal to use metric in this country for well over a century, but many people here just naturally "think" in the English units they grew up with and see no reason why they should not continue to express themselves in these units. That doesn't stop us using metric when we need to deal with exports.

But when metric is forced upon us by Draconian legislation that turns people into criminals for simply using the units with which they are familiar, it's hardly surprising that they'll be turned against those they see as imposing it upon them.

We have the "I hate all foreigners" group here, I'm afraid, but most people are sensible enough to reserve their animosity for the bureaucrats, not the normal decent people of some other European nation, be it France, Germany, or wherever.

Now, there are two systems in the world: The American/British and the metric
That's actually three systems. [Linked Image] There are more subtle differences between the American and British measurement systems than you might think.

[This message has been edited by pauluk (edited 07-23-2003).]