OOOOOOkay... where do I begin.... [Linked Image]
Pic #1... Surface mount 50A recept on the floor... Looks a bit aged for a newly rewired house.. Not to mention Range circuits are required to have a separate ground & grounded phase now.. A 4 wire range recept would be required

Pic #2 Cut-In Recept could have been installed a little neater, this is also above a range hood (No cabinet) the 2 wire type HPN "Heater Cord" was installed by the EC to power a metal hood..

Pic #3 Your typical overloaded 4S box, no blank.. Partial credit given for pulling grounds though.. [Linked Image]

Pic #4 Black RMC, EMT coupling, FMC.... seems none of these things match here..

Pic #5 Missing Blank, vague panel descriptions.. "plug?" The "12-2 SE Romex in pic 11 backfeeds into CB's 1&3.. 30 or 50A.. I forget which..

pic #6 thrown in for nostalgia value, bonus points for the 30A fuses...

Pic #7 No support of BX & NM-B cables

Pic #8 I'm not sure where, but this is tied into something else, but that big, prehistoric, 6-3 did have voltage on one leg...

Pic #9, Dangling FMC, neat & clean install? Hmmmmmm.....

Pic #10... Severed BX cable, severed Romex... the romex is hot. [Linked Image]

Pic #10.. 12-2 romex running a house directly from the LADWP lines

Pic #11... I'm calling BigJohn to pull wire through the U-turn FMC [Linked Image] Nope, no strapping in this pic...

Re-Rewire begins Monday, 86ing the 100A for a 200A service first thing. The customer seems to want electric kitchen appliances, A/C, & a pool/jacuzzi in the future.. Not to mention with the panel up, I can call for rough panel inspection, get my meter released & get some "safe" temporary power in this place until we're done... Stay Tuned! [Linked Image]
