the trade indirectly bears the burden of the unqualified as pertains to incidents,which is rather unpalatable....
would like to see
Stat's upholding work that is inspectable and recieves proper attention , as opposed to those free-for-all enviroments as i live in ( VT)...
Does the media near you ever delve into local (Electrical) accidents to determine the actual cause?
we have a number of local rags, the details held side by side after an 'incident' are usually contradictory to laughable extent.
( or maybe it's just me and my 'train wreck' crack's to the rubberneckkers...?)anyways...
in my small corner of the universe, i will attend tommorrow's safety fair, wear my star of life, and play show & tell with the kids in the rig.
will not, however, make last years mistake of blowing up a glove (cow's udder, chicken hat..) for a kid, as i ended up doing 50+ for ALL said kids friends........
(much to the ammusement of my mates..)[This message has been edited by sparky (edited 05-10-2002).]