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Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 4,294
The gal pictured shouldn't be wearing shorts while working on that panel, & is on the top step of the ladder. Maybe she needs to stand on it to reach what appears to be a C/B mounted above legal height (top right). This guy's full of %*#(!@.
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 717
What a racket indeed !!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we oughta get in on it, seal the user list here, and begin charging for the answers we provide. I find no problem with the girl in shorts on the ladder 1) She isn't really doing anything, and 2) she looks loads better than most of the hairy drumsticks I see hanging off ladders.
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 77
And.....how many master electricians wear a tool belt with nothing in it? I have a feeling this "professional" knows less than I do about that open panel. Though she makes a better model than I do........*sniffle*
Joined: Aug 2001
Posts: 7,520
Do you think they're working on the principle that some people will assume that information charged for will somehow be of better quality than that available for free?
Joined: Aug 2001
Posts: 599
Wrren G. has a nice FREE site too. I havn't read much of i but I have read alot of his forum postings. http://homewiring.tripod.com/
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 141
Hey people,
I wrote a nice respectful e-mail to the site, and asked what special info I'd get from their site that I couldn't get from a good DIY book for a lot less $$, or one of the electrical bulletin boards, for free.
I just don't want to spend the $ to see whether the info is overpriced (but original) professional quality stuff, or maybe pages lifted from DIY books, or Warren's website!
Haven't heard back yet. Will share any response that I get.
This reminds me of a website I found a few months ago--some guy presented himself as a NE Code expert, who would answer your Code questions online. You had to pay an up-front fee (like a retainer), and buy a copy of the Code through him. I don't remember if he also charged per-minute fees also...
Here's wishing a Happy Thanksgiving Day to all...one of the things that I'm thankful for is this forum and the virtual community we have here.
Joined: Sep 2001
Posts: 19
Was just wondering which states don't require hard hats and eye protection as well as ladders that one can safely use any step. Or just maybe OSHA "is" just a small town in Ohio? As for the shorts I was just approached by a contractor about this very thing. My 21 year old daughter worked for one of my contractors this summer as a finish carpenter (hey she acquired the job on her own and is a darned good carpenter).Never the less the contractor approached me this July and told me "that under no circumstances should a carpenters tool belt be longer than a carpenters pants".I did however tell him he would have to discuss this with her.
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Joined: Aug 2001
Posts: 151
Looks as though the ghost of P.T. Barnum is doing well. "There's a sucker born every minute" And this guy plans to take full advantage of as many of them as he can.
How does he get around the liability of not knowing local ordinances that add to the NEC?
Posts: 144
Joined: March 2008