Ranging from open sewage to single electrical meters serving multiple buildings, former community members allege Stair's community is so antique that it appears to fail to meet health regulations.
"There are violations up there," said Michael Duval. "When they put in part of that place, it fell under the grandfather clause. Some of those houses that fell under the grandfather clause were replaced or added onto - now they don't fall under that. "There are septic systems that have been put under there with no permit. There's electrical work that's been done.
Michael Duval says de did some research on the county's building laws. "I went to Colleton County to get a copy of the building requirements - just to check out," he said. "(One of the standards calls for) one electrical meter for one trailer. That's not the case up there. They have multiple trailers. It's like a drop cord city. They have multiple trailers on the same outlet."
Maybe it only hit the news in the eastern side of the state? From the TV clips on the website it looks as though WCSC-TV Charleston carried a lot of reports on the story. I was in that area in 1993, but don't think I went by there on SC61.
I came across the Overcomer broadcasts on shortwave quite by chance a couple of years ago. I'd forgotten about it until somebody on another forum mentined it, so I did a search.