I'm hooking up a mod home tommorrow. GC called me with particulars.Panel is appx. 15' from entry point, so I'm thinking disco breaker after meter,right?then to panel. Where does ground go? out of disco box or out of panel?
hi derater, I just did one of those last year, and put a fused disconnect then ran 4-wire to a sub panel, so the grounding would be at your disconnect, on the house or where ever you put it..
I don't know how tough your inspectors are, so here's a couple of items that are often overlooked.
If this is a manufactured or mobile home, your outside disconnecting means will also need to have provisions for the connecting of an accessory building or other outside electrical equipment. See 550.32(D)
Also, you will need to use an insulated equipment grounding conductor 550.33(A).
Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.