Isn't it odd how things like this become so coincidental?
Having personally witnessed, sent to shoot trouble for, and received similar "Whaddaheck Has Happened!!!" phone calls from frantic persons for situations
which just don't make a bit of sense; my take on the phenomena is that it must be some type of balancing of "Murphy's Law" (joke about the phenomena issue!)
One really funny scenario happened when an extension cord was damaged from a falling piece of EMT, and a PoCo Vaulted Transformer blew out at the same time.
It was funny for maybe an hour - because the oddity of the extension cord damage and something killing power for the entire complex was instantanious!
Then the stupidity set in!!!... now things are not funny! It went from a silly coincidential thing, to a finger pointing tirade!
Sure made some jokes over this when finding out whaddaheck happened, but until then, major mind melt!
Man, there was all kinds of flack shot at us from the Property Management firm, because of this scenario - as they thought we were replacing a PoCo owned 300 KVA Transformer -OURSELVES-, and killed power for the entire shopping center (large stripmall center with supermarket, restaurants, auto center, and lots of individual tenant spaces).
The xformer was going to be upgraded by SCE on a weekend, and notices of temp power disruption were given to all tenants.
The PM clowns just -ASS-umed we took it upon ourselves to willy-nilly replace the xformer when we felt like it! They knew it was being upgraded, but it was scheduled for a Sunday, two weeks away!
<enter irony>
To punish us for the afore mentioned suspected willy-nilly transformer replacement without proper notice, they sent the GC a "Bill" for something like $2,500, and a coresponding similar "Bill" to the Client we were doing the T.I for.
Faxes, loss of time, threats, PMs unwilling to listen, numerous phone calls, extreme involvement by the Client (Large Banking Firm in the Western U.S.) - all due to something we had no control over or responsibility for.
After the PoCo's Customer Relations division staff were FINALLY able to explain whaddaheck happened, we get a fax stating the scenario has been determined to be the PoCo's fault!
PM firm had to formally apologize to everyone they blasted, plus faced possible legal actions for the slanderous and threatening accusations made!
<end of irony>
I'll never forget that whole
"Twilight Zone" experience!
It's a great "What Can Happen" type story!