Hello all,
I am a new forum member and have a question pertaining to something different I ran across on the Electrical section of the current set of prints I am reviewing.
This is a remodel and from everything I can tell, most everything is fairly straight forward.. However, I ran into a Diagram Note that reads:
"Existing building service to remain and be reused. Contractor to verify distribution and protection to existing panel "K10" and provide new 220A feed and Overcurrent protection if not existing. Coordinate any work required with existing conditions and building engineer."
Most of the note is understood, ... Existing Panel K10 remains but needs tested since the circuits will be completely changed.. The only place I have a question is the "provide new 220A feed and Overcurrent protection if not existing" sentance.. I understand this to mean that a new 220 feed needs to be provided and then only add the Overcurrent protection if it doesn't already exist..
I really hope I am not making way too much out of this note.. Am I correct in my assumption? Or am I way off?
Thank you for all your help!!