That is where it's at, mate.
Big thumbs up to you for helping the cause.
I have to say (I've probably said this many times here before, too), had it not been for my own father mucking around with valve (tube) TV's and radios back in the 70's, my career choice may have been a LOT different to what it is now.
Although, I did always have a hankering to be a chimney sweep at one time.
One other thing,
I've given talks to the local Scout units here (one of the Area Scout Leaders is a mate of mine) on the basics of electrical safety and you'd be surprised how many kids are really into this and take on board what you are saying, provided you don't "talk down" to your audience.
What is more, is they are taking this new-found knowledge home and pulling their parents up on dodgy cords and all sorts of other things.
This is a win-win situation, not only for electrical safety people, but for the parents that are made aware of a potentially dangerous part of their house.
It's all good.