Sparky, The undersized ground is something I never thought about.
How does one approach that? treat it as no ground?
The back wrap I have treated as none present.
well having done more renos that there is ascii , or anyone's patience to really ramble on about, i would suggect making the most out of what grounding conductors are present, with consideration to it's efficay
for instance, most backwraps can unwound , and terminated to the box / device / made a solid grounding circuit
it'll still be undersized, so i wouldn't count on it to clear a dead short, but this is where i've many times introduced the mighty
(read; slices, dices, makes julian fries) AFCI
iirc, they have a 30ma threshold, not quite the pita a 5ma GFCI breaker would introduce on older cicuitry, but just enough to walk away with some level of confidence
install your two banger receptacles, and let the mice have at it...