Good question.
Maybe John or Joe can come up with a video.
I will say however, I use rubber gloves every day that I work.
I use ASTM Class 5 gloves most of the time, regardless of the voltage.
I work up to 66kV to Ground.
What I will say though, is take good care of your Leather Outers as well as your Gloves.
Number of times I've seen Lineys here with ripped Outers, the outers are the real protection.
One other thing, is get good fitting rubber gloves, too small or (worse) too big are useless, get the proper size.
Also get the right size Outers as well.
My first pair of Outers were too small and what a PITA, I came home every day with sore wrists.
Good on ya mate for getting the correct gear though!.
By the way get some good Talcum powder too.
I fill mine up with water each night after I've used them and wash them out.
Hang them upside down and let them dry.
Keep the sun off them!!!.
Remember that they have to be tested regularly, by a manufacturer appointed Test Lab.